The end of Winamp
December 7, 2013 Leave a Comment
I remember Winamp fondly from the heady days of the late 90’s dot-com bubble. I had finally acquired enough currency to buy a computer of my own, which was a godsend after 20 years of using other people’s machines (family computer, Dad’s computer).
That would explain why I was up roughly 3 days straight (fueled only by coffee and enthusiasm, for the record) using it. Winamp was among those programs I installed when I finally had a chance to investigate this whole “mp3” thing I’d been hearing about.
This was during the prior year (mid ’97 to mid ’98), while I was surfing the web via the San Jose Public Library system’s Linux computers, running the Lynx browser. While logging into Hotmail (pre-MS) to keep in contact with friends and family.
Ever since I was about 13 or so (when my fingers started growing out), my typing speed had begun to increase. Part of it was BBS’ing, and the other was email (as that became more and more accessible). That is the only way you can make noise in a library on the computer and not get kicked out. In fact, I think it was more impressive to see someone type at 80+ wpm accurately and consistently.
Back to Winamp, I installed it on my PII 233mhz and heard the opening Winamp lama-ass whipping theme. I still use it to this day, and so the passing of Winamp is one of those little times I pause and think about how fast time flies and all the memories of days gone by flood my mind.
It’s the little things in life that make me smile.